A quick fix for your stiff neck

Do you suffer from an aching, creaky neck? Its one of the most common things my clients want help with.
This is such an easy thing to do, you can do it anywhere, all you need is your hand.
So whether you are chained to your desk in the office, slaving over a hot child (!), stuck in a traffic jam, or toiling over the weekly shop, this one is for you.
Also see my Indian Head Massage workshop which anyone can do.  Please contact me if you are interested in doing a workshop.

Tight neck making you feel glum?!

Tight neck making you feel glum?!


Turn your head from side to side slowly, checking how it feels, and seeing how far you can look behind you,  - without moving your shoulders!
Now cup the palm of your hand round the back of your neck and hold gently.
Nod slowly up and down a few times, as though your were saying "yes" to a relaxed neck!
Turn your head from side to side as if saying "no" to a tight neck.
Then draw some small circles with your nose, vary the size of the circle, and then reverse.
Keep your jaw relaxed and breathe deeply and easily.
You can do as many nods and circles as you like. Of course the more you do the more relaxed your neck will feel.
If your hand gets tired,  just change over.
To finish, turn your head from side to side again. Does it feel looser? Can you see a bit further over your shoulder? The answer should be yes.
Relax and enjoy.