Indian Head Massage Bristol
Giving and receiving Indian Head Massage is a wonderfully relaxing,
uplifting experience.
One advantage is that it is carried out through clothes, (or with perfumed oils on the skin, if preferred ) while you relax in a chair, and includes upper back, shoulders, neck, head and face.
It is part of the ancient Ayurvedic healing system of India.
Indian Head Massage can be very effective in the treatment of headaches, migraines, insomnia, and stress, as well as muscle tension, and problems with the neck and shoulders.
It can also be very helpful for sinus problems, whiplash, and eyestrain and promotes the growth of lustrous hair. Hair oil can be used if required. (See recipes for hair you can try for yourself, below.)
Its effect is not only physical: it works on an emotional and mental level, bringing a sense of peace, psychological wellbeing, clarity, and can improve levels of concentration.
I qualified in 2000 and have carried out treatments in many different situations, including the world famous Glastonbury Festival, the Big Chill Festival held in Herefordshire and Greece (On the beach! A wonderful working experience.) I have also enjoyed bringing the soothing effects of Indian Head Massage to many corporate events and promotions, in Bristol and nationally.
Indian Head Massage Workshops Bristol
I run enjoyable one day workshops to learn Indian Head Massage in Bristol for friends and family. Come on your own or with a friend or partner.
This type of massage is very accessible. You dont need to remove any clothes, and you dont need any special equipment. Neither do you need a full head of hair!
(Equally it can be done on skin with fragrant, therapeutic essential oils.)
By the end of the day you will have learnt a simple and effective Indian Head Massage routine, with which you will be able to relax your friends and family, helping them to sleep more soundly, relieve headaches, sinus problems, aches and pains, improve hair condition, and generally feel better about life. Next workshop -see below.
Scalp massage feel wonderful. Can help with headaches, stress and hair condition. It doesnt matter if you dont have any hair!
Next Indian Head Massage workshop in Bristol:
Early Bird discount - book by -
10 - 3.30. £45. Includes notes to take away, hot drinks and biscuits. Limited numbers.
No partner, or experience of massage needed. All welcome.
The massage can be done through clothes, and carried out on an ordinary chair.
An enjoyable, relaxing and practical day to learn a simple but effective massage.
By the end of the day you will be able to help relax your nearest and dearest, improve aches and pains, headaches, sinus problems and sleep patterns.
What people are saying about the workshops
I really enjoyed the day, thankyou so much! I found it informative and relaxing, and I really feel that I have learned a new and useful skill -family and friends are looking forward to the experience. I was slightly worried about coming on my own...but it was absolutely fine.
I slept really well for an hour when I got home and then very heavily on Saturday night! Rachel
Indian Head Massage in Bristol, treatment costs
Half hour/40mins - £30
One hour - £38
I am also available for onsite Indian Head Massage sessions at your place of work, functions, conferences, promotions and festivals, in Bristol, nationally and abroad.
To book, please use form below:
Treatments for Hair
Sesame is the classic oil used in Ayurvedic treatments.
Try it instead of almond oil.
For normal hair try:
5 mls almond oil (depending on how much hair you have)
3 drops geranium oil
2 drops rosemary oil
Mix oils together.
Massage into damp, but not dripping, hair and leave for 20 mins.
To remove oil, rub a little shampoo on your hair and scalp before washing it.
Vinegar Rinse for hair
25ml water
2 teaspoons cider vinegar
3 drops lemon essential oil, or try lemon juice
Mix together, and rinse hair.
Rinse well after using.
For balding (but no promises to grow more hair!) try:
Two of the following essential oils:
Rosemary, ginger, cedarwood, or lemon essential oils, mixed with 5mls of almond oil, (quantities of essential oil as above, for normal hair - ie 5 drops in total) to stimulate hair growth.
Also bear in mind that the act of massage itself will stimulate circulation to the scalp and help to encourage hair growth.
Leave on for 20 mins and apply regularly.
To strengthen hair you could try:
One drop of rosemary in a cold final rinse.
No need to rinse out.
Rosemary is particularly good for dark hair, but will work on any hair.